Integration of Jenkins SonarQube Scanner, OWASP Dependency Check , JDK, NodeJs Plugins (Interesting COMBO!!)
First Let's Configure the Sonar Cube Server --->
Login with <SonarCubeIPaddress>:9000 --> Provide your username and password accordingly.
Go to SonarQube Server --> Click on Administration --> Security --> Users --> Click on the Tokens and Update Token --> Give it a name --> Copy the token which is created
Now, Navigate back to Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Credentials --> System --> Click on the New Credentials button.
On the New Credentials page -->
Select Secret Text in the Kind.
Paste the secret that is copied from the sonarqube.
Given an ID Name for this such as "sonartoken"
and description as a "sonar token"
and click on Create.
Now, add the credentials for the Docker Hub in the Jenkins Credentials, just click on the global in the domain in the top section
Click on Add Credentials :
username: provide the docker hub username
password: provide the docker hub account password
ID: dockerhubcredentials
Description: Docker Hub Credentials
Click Create
Now Let's add credentials for Kubernetes
Click on the Add Credentials
From the server copy, the .\kube\config file, copy the file as a config.txt file and Upload the config.txt file
Provide ID: k8s
Description: k8s
Click on Create
In the SonarQube --> Administration --> Configuration --> WebHooks
Create a Webhook by clicking on the Create Button
Name: jenkins
provide the URL: http://<jenkins url ip address>:8080/sonarqube-webhook/
Create WebHook
Let's Install these Plugins in Jenkins in one shot -->
Login to Jenkins --> Navigate to Manage Jenkins --> Plugins --> Available Plugins
Search and Select the following plugins
Eclipse Temurin Installer (Basically it's a JDK installer we are setting this because, in the future, if the dependency version is changed, then we can simply change the version here too)
SonarQube Scanner
NodeJS Plugin
OWASP Dependency-Check
Docker Commons
Docker Pipeline
Docker API
Kubernetes Credentials
Kubernetes Client API
Kubernetes CLI
Plugin Configurations:
Login back, Go to Tools in the Manage Jenkins. Manage Jenkins --> Tools --> In the JDK Installations --> Click on the Add JDK
Install JDK17 (which is right now a stable release used widely)
Name: jdk17
* Check Install Automatically - Install from --> Version --> jdk-17.0.9+9.1
Install NodeJS
Name: NodeJS16
Check Install Automatically - Install from --> Version --> NodeJS 16.20.2
Apply and Save
Go down a bit and set the Dependency-Check Installations Section and configure as shown below
Name: DependencyCheck
Select Install Automatically
Version: Dependency-Check 6.5.1
Click on Apply and Save
On the Same Page which is the Tools section of the Jenkins---> Manage Jenkins
Go to the Docker Installations Section --> Add Docker -->
name: docker
Select Install Automatically --> Select Latest
Click on Apply and Save
Now, let's go to Manage Jenkins --> Tools --> SonarQube Scanner Installations Section --> Click on Add SonarQube Scanner
Provide a Name: SonarQube-Scanner
Click on Apply and Save
Let's go back to the Manage Jenkins --> System, Navigate to the SonarQube Servers, In add the details
Name: Sonar-Server
Server URL - <Sonar Server ip>:9000
Server Authentication Token - sonartoken
Click on Apply and save it
Jenkins Job Creation
Go to the Landing Page --> Create a Job in Jenkins --> Select Net