Integrating Jenkins with Jfrog

Login to the Jfrog

create a new user by navigating to the User Management section --> Click on the Users and click on Add new user, provide the following details

  • Username: add a new username

  • Email Address: use the same email address that you generally use to receive notifications

  • Roles: Select Administer Platform

  • Password: add password

  • Retype password: retype the password here

now, Click on the save

Login to the Jenkins

Install the Artifactory plugin, Go to the Manage Jenkins --> Plugins --> Artifactory Plugin and install the plugin with restart Jenkins selected

Now, Navigate back to the Manage Jenkins --> System --> scroll through the page and search for JFrog Section, Click on the Add JFrog Platform Instance

In the JFrog Section, Provide the following details as shown below

In the Default Deployer Credentials section

  • Username: provide the JFrog newly created username

  • Password: provide the password for the newly created user

In the Advanced Configuration

JFrog Artifactory URL: serverip:8082/artifactory

JFrog Distribution URL: serverip:8082/distribution

Connection Timeout: 300

After providing these details :

Click on the Test connection which is beside the Default Deployer Credentials section. Observe that it gets connected to the JFrog.

Hurray!!!!! :)

Test the JFrog and Jenkins Connectinvinty

Create a new job in the jenkins by clicking on the New Item

Enter the item name as Jfrog, select Freestyle Project and click ok

In the new job

In the Description: Integration between Jfrog with Jenkins

In the Source Code Management Section:

Select Git

Provide the details of your git repo or you can use mine

there will be no credentials as it's a public repo.

Now, Scroll down a bit search for Maven3-Artifactory-Integration and select it

Click on the Refresh Repositories button first,

Now in the dropdown of the target releases repository, select libs-release-local

Now in the dropdown of the target releases repository, select libs-snapshot-local

Let's move to the next section in the Job

Build Steps Section: Click Add Build Step, in that dropdown select Invoke artifactory Maven3

Root POM: pom.xml

Goals and options: clean install package

However, if it shows an error as shown below

let's set the Maven quickly

  1. Access Jenkins Configuration:

    a. Log in to your Jenkins instance as an administrator.

    b. Click on "Manage Jenkins" in the left-hand navigation.

    c. Click on "Global Tool Configuration."

  2. Configure Maven:

    a. Scroll down to the "Maven" section in the Global Tool Configuration.

    b. Click on the "Add Maven" button to add a Maven installation.

    c. Provide a name for the Maven installation, e.g., "Maven 3.9.5" or any name you prefer.

    d. In the "MAVEN_HOME" field, specify the path to your Maven installation. For example, if you've installed Maven in /opt/apache-maven-3.9.5, you would enter that path.

    e. Click the "Save" button to save your configuration.

Lastly, provide the permissions for Jenkins user as shown below for the jfrog workspace

chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Jfrog