JFrog Installation on Ubuntu

To run Jfrog, we need to have Java installed on the node

  • Let's install OpenJDK 17, Login to the node with the root access (this depends on which user you would like to install Java on. If you have multiple users and have multiple Java versions that need to be run then installing it on the non-root user makes sense!!). However, I don't need multiple Java versions on my node. So, I am going ahead with the root user

The Java-based products (Artifactory, Distribution, Insight, Mission Control) must run with JDK 17+

Always check the requirements before installation, the requirements are provided at


the community version generally requires a username and group name as artifactory. please make sure to create them before the installation

How to Create a User and Group in Ubuntu

  1. To create a new user, use the useradd command followed by the desired username. For example, to create a user named "artifactory," use the following command:

     sudo useradd artifactory

    The sudo command is used to run the useradd command with superuser privileges.

  2. Set a password for the new user with the passwd command:

     sudo passwd artifactory

    Add Artifactory Group and the user that was used in the entire process till now and the group for Artifactory. So, let's Create an artifactory group.

     sudo groupadd artifactory

    Create an artifactory user and set /opt/artifactory as the home directory.

     sudo mkdir /opt/artifactory
     sudo useradd -d /opt/artifactory -g artifactory artifactory
  3. if the user is already added then move to the next step, Grant the <username> user access to the /opt/artifactory directory.

     sudo chown artifactory:artifactory /opt/artifactory -R
    1. You'll be prompted to enter and confirm the new user's password.

    2. If you are creating a user on the cloud VMs, there may be a chance that it won't let you switch to that user by throwing the error message "This account is currently not available".

      The error message "This account is currently not available" typically indicates that the user account you're trying to switch to does not have a valid login shell or that the shell is set to /usr/sbin/nologin, which is a security measure to prevent users from logging in interactively.

    3. To resolve this issue, you can change the user's login shell to a valid shell that allows interactive login, such as /bin/bash. Here's how you can change the shell for the "<username>" user:

      • Manually create the /home/<user folder>

          sudo mkdir /home/artifactory
          sudo chown artifactory:artifactory /home/artifactory

        Change the login shell for the "artifactory" user using the chsh command. For example, to change the shell to /bin/bash, you can run:

          sudo chsh -s /bin/bash artifactory
      • Replace /bin/bash with the path to a valid shell on your system if needed.

      • Now, try to switch to the "artifactory" user again using the su command:

          su - artifactory

        This should allow you to switch to the "artifactory" user with an interactive shell. If you encounter any issues, make sure that the specified shell exists on your system and is correctly configured in the /etc/passwd file for the "artifactory" user.

OpenJDK Installation

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk -y

Jfrog Artifactory Installation (it's a community edition process)

First, Open the following ports at the NSG level for 8081, 8082

To determine your distribution, run lsb_release -c or cat /etc/os-release

Download the installer

wget -qO - https://releases.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add -;

Install the Artifactory command below, please make sure to update the Linux distribution name in place of {distribution}. if you are using the Ubuntu 20.04 version then it should be focal distribution the example for the below command is

echo "deb releases.jfrog.io/artifactory/artifactory-d.. focal main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list;

echo "deb https://releases.jfrog.io/artifactory/artifactory-debs $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Install the artificatory

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jfrog-artifactory-oss

Start the service

sudo systemctl start artifactory.service

Enable the service, so that it will restart automatically on reboot

sudo systemctl enable artifactory.service

check the status of the service

sudo systemctl status artifactory.service

Now, open the browser and navigate to serverip:8082

You are ready to JFrog now !!

Your default username is admin and your password is password

it will prompt you to change the password after changing the password, it will ask you for the base URL, just provide the same as before (serverip:8082)

click Next(Select, Maven, Gradle, generic or HuggingFaceML, Ivy, SBT)(If Anything is not showing up currently in those names that is ok as well), Next and Finish